
Shareholder of WCL

16 January 2023

WCL Worldwide Consultants in Logistics announces new shareholding structure effective January 2023 and welcomes Christian Nebel as new shareholder

I am happy and proud to announce that I have joined WCL as shareholder. My focus will be Executive Search and Recruitment. Interesting times ahead!
20 May 2022
My home base? Hong Kong, Hamburg, everywhere...
9 May 2022
Arranging smooth transports or even complex logistics processes is a matter of course for your customers. But for you and your team, it is often time-consuming and challenging. I am here to help.
1 April 2022
April 2022 came with important changes and great news: c hristian n ebel c onsulting, partner of WCL and network director of WFA!
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